Covid-19 Impact on Digital Learning

This report (from LearnPlatform competition notebook ) represent my analysis of Covid-19 impact on digital learning. The data in my possession enabled me to highlight the following three essential points on student engagement. Student's engagement in digital learning is best if education technology (Google Docs, Google Meet, etc..) allows students to have easy an reliable internet access connectivity. And also, it goes to the basic needs of the students and the teachers. The socio-economic aspect is the main problem that can decrease the engagement of the pupils because a parent who has a wage loss during the confinement of the population and the closure of economic activities can lead him to a poverty, to an expulsion of home, abrupt stopping or absenteeism of his child in digital learning. To reduce the impact of Covid-19 on the socio-economic life, some American states have preferred to increase the minimum hourly wage and to reopen certain econo...